Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Clutter is utter joy

This is my idea of joy, everything needed for a spot of Bible Journaling, creative playing, card making or indeed anything arty. I regularly have manic organising blitzes on my desk, sorting, gathering, coordinating, preparing my perfect work/play space. The trouble is my creativity seems to be swallowed up by my meticulous purposing of my many pens, crayons, pencils, paints,scissors,glues, papers, washy tapes...(I could go on, but you get the picture) I get everything perfect (at that moment) then get sidetracked and two months later my beautiful arrangement has done no more than gather dust. By the time I gather my creative juices and settle to use some of many arty products I simply think of a better way of organising my space and the whole cycle begins again.

I’ve shared in a previous blog my awesome talent for procrastination and I guess this is just a different manifestation of the same. I seem to have a distressingly well developed ability to put off, defer, avoid or plain ignore things on my ever increasing “To Do List” It’s a frustrating and annoying character flaw which I can’t  seem to break no matter how hard I try. Fortunately (or perhaps not) my eleventh hour, panic riddled efforts have so far always achieved what was necessary and its doubtful anyone else would be aware of my last minute activities.

I set up my new iPad Pro on Saturday (after a few mumbled, less than genteel  grumbles and rumbles) and I am proud to say that in some small way I have breached the hump! I have now written three blogs in two days so I’m building a little bank to share from time to time. I have become acutely aware that I am very much an “all or nothing” personality type. I either produce notebooks of journaling pages in a matter of weeks, write every day or I do nothing more than think about journaling or writing. I need to find the balance between feverish activity and sloth like inertia, and I need to overcome my phobia of “paperwork” (even the words make me shudder) I wish I could just deal with things as they come instead of my usual response which is to put it to one side to deal  with later. All I achieve is more and more sleepless nights  as I worry about all I need to do.

Let’s hope that my fairy footsteps back into writing lead me to becoming more proactive in all my daily tasks. Who knows, maybe my “To Do List” will actually grow shorter as I tick some items off and scribble “Done” over them with a big red Sharpie. 

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