Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Journaling, all seasons, all reasons

“To journal” a daily record of news and events of a personal nature.

“Bible Journaling” May seem like a new found art trend, but it is in fact ancient...Bible journalers are documenting in words and pictures the messages they hear from God, testimonies in their lives and creative worship of the Lord they love.

“Bible journaling” is an exciting way to engage with Scripture...the beauty of the movement is this; it doesn’t require a skilled artist!

You can find these definitions if you google journaling or Bible journaling, there are pages of definitions, how to starts, where to starts, and what you need guides, we’re officially “ a thing!” How good is that?

Although Bible journaling in particular may be new to you (if so, welcome!) it really isn’t, if you look at the medieval illustrated Bibles, gospels, hymnals and Psalters they are awash with beautiful, sacred (and sometimes rather risky, cheeky) imagery. They were intended to illuminate not just the page but the meaning of the verses. Possibly the “new” part is the huge array of different Bibles and materials now available for us to dig deeper into Scripture and press deeper into a relationship with the Lord we do indeed love.

Journaling itself has also been around for as long as people have been able to read and write and and have had access to materials to write in or on. Samuel Pepys, John Bunyan, Anne Frank, Geoffrey Chaucer, Gerald of Wales, all kept journals of their daily lives, experiences or travels and from them we glean not just facts but a sense of being there, the atmosphere at the time. They didn’t just record facts but wrote them from their own personal persepectives.

Record keeping, in hospital, care homes, schools, churches, businesses is essentially journaling, laying down a record of events through time which can be read, re-read and referred to in future times.

Journaling from our perspective can take many forms and it offers something beneficial, encouraging, uplifting, inspiring and as a reminder, for all seasons in our lives and for all reasons. I have four main ways of journaling that I use daily (not all of them every day, but at least one) The first is Bible Journaling which led me to this amazing group some five or more years ago.

These are some pages from my first Journaling Bible which is now almost full, it is by no means filled with perfect lettering, drawing, painting or “tip ins” it has pages where ink has bled through, it has pages where I’ve spelt a word wrong and it has pages where I’ve actually stuck my thoughts in by the wrong verse! The page at the bottom right is my Hannah Dunnet journaling Bible, I wasn’t even going to begin to try to illustrate in this so I’ve used it to journal in a different way, it accompanies me to our Sunday morning worship and I journal throughout the service. I’ve made myself use my Pritt marker so I can’t become precious about it being perfect. Actually, I think that’s a very important point, perfectionism is not necessary! What matters is our heart attitude, our spending time in what is an act of worship, and our seeking truth and guidance and purpose from time in the Word and with God.
These are my first two prayer journals, now full and impossible to close, I find it is hugely helpful for me to write my prayers down, especially those which aren’t necessarily about a specific need  or circumstance, more times when I’m just sharing my heart with the Lord. When I’m not really sure where to start I will make a very simple collage, I don’t plan it, or lay it out, I literally throw together things that come to hand in my stash! This is often the jump start I need as a picture or image or thought is triggered by what I see on the page.
These are a couple of pages from my current prayer journal, the image on the left was purely by accident as I simply spread smears of colours of the rainbow across my page, I could immediately see a sonogram, but in colour, not the usual black and white. It reminded me that just as a sonogram can often be little more than a vague blurry shape, our lives can often seem a little undefined and unclear, but God sees every day and every iota of potential in us just as he sees every day and every iota of potential in a blurry sonogram image. I was reminded that our vision is so restricted by our limited and finite human perspective, we must look to the world through the infinite and all seeing eyes of God.

This is my “lockdown journal” which I had started at the beginning of February but with little effort or commitment. Ben and I have self isolated now for ten and a half weeks and I challenged myself to write something every day for as long as we stay at home. This journal has morphed and adapted over the weeks, a rainbow series of paragraphs for the every day, a record of our special days and activities, a virtual travel and holiday journal and a things that will become part of history like the letter from Boris. There are three cards stuck in with lovely written notes from Ben and photographs of some our weird and wonderful daft days. I’m quite chuffed to say I think I’ve only missed one day where I didn’t do anything at all in my journal. The great thing is that Ben was inspired to begin his own which he also does daily. They will be something to look back on in the future.
My final journal; this is my “Art journal” where I simply doodle, play and create, just for the fun of creating. Unlike my lovely friends who have shared some video demonstrations teaching and their amazing skills and artistic talents I am not an artist, my skills if I have any lie more with words and an ability to have a go without stressing too much about reaching the awesome standards of others.
This is my latest method of journaling, digital journaling. I’m having such fun playing on my iPad learning new skills and trying out new technology. It’ll never be as good a writing with a fountain pen, or playing with paint, gelli plates or stamps, but you can create some fun effects and dip in and out of writing, typing, drawing and inserting photographs. There’s a journal out there for everyone!

Journaling is such a wonderful way of expressing yourself, personally, spiritually, artistically and creatively. There is now right or wrong, there is no good or bad, there is now brilliant or rubbish, it’s between you and your God, and between you and your journal, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Journaling takes so many different forms. I have never managed to keep to a daily effort, except for my digital planner (where I at least record the weather).
