Wednesday, 10 July 2024

On a roll

If any one has read any of my past wordy rambles through life you will be aware that technology and I are not friends! I sometimes think I may actually be allergic to all things computer. I remember fondly the days when you simply turned something on and it would work, no fuss, no emotional meltdowns, no need to follow 300 pages of instructions and enter and re-enter long lines of letters, numbers, and symbols reminiscent pf the value of Pi!

The fountain pens above remain and always will remain my favourite method of transferring the words from my head on to paper. I'm fortunate that my handwriting is generally quite neat and legible but the thing I like most is that when I write by hand I tend to spell things correctly and punctuate correctly. Keyboards are my mortal enemy, I detest predictive text (though I must confess the randomness of its suggestions can sometimes be the cause of great hilarity) I am by no means a good typist, I didn't do typing at school and I've never mastered  using a keyboard ( and I sincerely doubt I ever will) It takes me so much longer to type anything because I have to keep going back to edit when I see a missed capital letter or a spelling mistake, it slows me down and interrupts my somewhat butterfly thoughts.

My dislike of technology is not purely for computers, though when I think about it pretty much everything we use on a day to day basis is computer based. We recently got a new TV as the old one could no longer synchronise sound and image, quite entertaining for a while but not good for any length of time. Honestly you need a degree in computer sciences to even switch the wretched thing on! Once you have actually managed to link it to your broadband etc you then have to download channels, you have to sign in to access anything, you have to have a password, for some sites it is absolutely impossible as the screens don't do what they're supposed to do, add to that navigating everything, very often you get to the end and press yes or whatever and it goes back to the beginning!                     
i have to confess (again) that much as I enjoy the vast range of channels, apps like Spotify, You Tube and such like I sometimes hanker for the simplicity of my childhood, limited hours, three channels, if you missed a programme you missed it  (and the world didn't end) and you got your steps in getting up to change the channels. My final rant against all things computer techy relates to how many simple activities can no longer be done in person, pretty much everything has to be done on line from driving licences to passports and all things in between. I am relatively intelligent and I can with, luck turn  my computer on but I find myself overwhelmed with the demands of on line form filling.

I wonder what would (will) happen on the day when technology crashes completely, no access to money, no way to pay, no access to medical records, the list goes on, bring back pen and paper I say, at least as an alternative to the dreaded technology!

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